Friday 16 November 2012

Richard Warman's Covert Alias: Axetogrind

Richard Warman's Covert Alias:
Used for:
Infiltration of the "neo-Nazi" Vanguard News Network (VNNForum) and posted 33 different messages, including engaging people who laid a CHRC complaint against.
The Vanguard News Network (VNN) Describes itself on the opening page as "No Jews. Just Right."
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruled that Richard Warman's hate posts on VNN was "both disappointing and disturbing."  

Screen print of the Vanguard News Network

Transcripts of Warman admitting to pretending to be a woman named: Lucie using the alias Axetogrind:
MS SHI [Winnicki's Lawyer]: Thank you. And, in fact,  you did more than that, you started responding to some of Mr. Winnicki's messages by posing under an alias, Axetogrind; correct?  MR. WARMAN: I believe they're fairly limited in number, but, yes.
In the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal Transcripts in the matter of Richard Warman vs. Tomasz Winnicki.  (File Number: T1021/0205, Date: 2005/10/18) On Page 434 of the transcript, Mr. Warman admitted to posting on the VNN Forum using the name “Axetogrind”

Some of Richard Warman's posts to VNNForum as "Lucie" Alias: Axetogrind
On 07-15-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum in a thread entitled “adl jews spew about NSM”:
 I agree. Keep up the good work Commander Schoep! 88
Mr. Warman's comment was posted below a picture of man holding a swastika flag with the words "National Socialist Movement" (NAZI) and another man holding a sign that reads "WHITE REVOLUTION,  The Only Solution
Mr. Warman is his Canadian Human Rights Complaint against Glenn Bahr wrote the following in regards to the meaning of "88":
In neo-Nazi parlance, the number 88 symbolizes "HH" or short for Heil Hitler as H is the 8 th letter of the alphabet.
2 On 05-31-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
That's funny and I totaly agree. People complain here about other WNs wearing uniforms and then suck up to someone who admits he stole money from WNs to go golf, gamble and then spend his time in the gym. Fak I'm a woman and I could bench press 350 if other people paid my bills and I hung out at the gym all day~!
3 On 08-17-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
And you Spandau Ballet, what's wrong with being a Cosmonaut? At least they blow up with less frequency than some people's astronauts. Stupid Yanks.
4 On 06-22-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
Nah, BNP stands for British Nob Party I lived in Britain for a while and they were the losers who C18 and National Front didnt want around. They are soft and will eventually fall away like the other poseurs.
5 On 05-28-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
Speaking of divided on the BNP, has anyone noticed how fat Griffin is getting? Tell me he hasn't been eating the donations? Bad Griffin, no donut, and back to your farmwork until you're whipped into shape!
6 On 05-31-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
Oh yeah!@ Well what greta things has he done lately or did he just do your sister Greta and that's all it takes to make you happy? Geez, lighten up McFly, it was a joke! Even the Scots know what those are don't they btw, the Glasgow Rangers suck!@
7 On 06-02-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
oh man, why did you change your signature for a pic of fatboy 3? St. Andrew flag was okay, but thats just provocation...
8 On 08-17-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
Hey Disciple and Brighton BNP, what's wrong with Bragg saying we shouldn't believe everything our country tells us to? What's wrong with him saying what he thinks? He may be a socialist, but what are you guys, some kind of fascists? And besides, who doesn't think Holst's the Planets kicks ass?
9 On 12-15-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
Okay a lot of people may not like this but lets face it shall we - Griffin and his barrister crap of trying to turn the BNP posh was doomed from the start - lets accept that the BNP is not the Monday club or anything else that has blue blood running in its veins - it is what it was supposed to be - British nationalism of the working class! 
Gentleman farmer Griffin may think he can eat his way through the donations but how long should he be left at the trough by rank and file members??? 
The CPS has done us a favour - WNs should be proud of what we are instead of trying to be pushed to be something we're not!
10 On 08-24-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
He's just mad because Thexder-buddy there got to be referred to as a "Senior Member" and no one wants to talk about him... That and his name is Otto.

11 On 06-22-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
If you want a prime example of not enough work turning you fat you should look at the guy who is leading the BNP. He used to be thin but now he has too many flunkys and has gotten really fat. He should go back to working on the farm before people mistake him for a piggy!

12 On 01-05-2005, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
Jeezus good luck Thexder I just read this on a commie website - let us know how it goes!
January 4, 2005 
Hate Complaint Against London Man Referred to Tribunal 
The Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) has referred two hate propaganda complaints for hearing to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. The complaints were filed by Ottawa lawyer Richard Warman against London-resident Tomasz Winnicki.
 The original complaint filed in September of 2003 concerned hate propaganda attacking the Christian, Jewish, black, and homosexual communities posted by Winnicki onto his Mom's personal Bell Sympatico website, the website forum of London-based group the Northern Alliance, and onto US neo-Nazi forum VNN. 
Retaliating against individuals who have filed human rights complaints constitutes a separate offence under the Canadian Human Rights Act. The CHRC also referred a subsequent retaliation complaint against Winnicki to the Tribunal for hearing after he posted material on the Internet attacking Warman for having filed his original complaint. 
If the complaints are upheld, Winnicki may face a permanent cease and desist order enforceable by contempt of court proceedings, and/or fines and damages. Tribunal hearing dates are anticipated in late spring or early summer.
[Note, this is Richard Warman posting about the complaint HE files against Mr. Winnicki]

13 On 08-21-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
I agree taht sounds like a great idea - can they take what they dish out? Maybe file a human rights complaint against them for prosecuting you because your Polish?
14 On 09-17-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
So what, you're going to keep us in suspense?
[Note: Warman is asking Mr. Winnicki (who Warman filed a CHRC complaint against) to "...hear Winnicki's side of the story"]

15 On 08-21-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
That's funny! anyone know what ever did happen between Di Snivita and Von Bluvens?

16 On 08-21-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
Good research Disciples! So, which Disciple are you?

17 On 08-11-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
From the facts it looks like that closet door is pretty wide open to me. No one in their right mind would trust Griffin in the first place. I lived in the UK for a while and everyone I talked to thought he was a pompous ass. If this is the best the BNP can do I'd vote UKIP!
18 On 05-30-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
Hi i'm interested in also setting up a website and had looked at iron radio but am worried now with your problems. 
WHo did you eventually end up going with? I'm also looking to set up a links page on my site once i get it going so some new blood would be great if you guys want to plug your sites can you let me know what the URLs are? 

19 On 11-22-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
Hey, I just finished reading "White Man's Bible" and I never knew it before but Klassen seems to be kind of a whole foods Nazi warmed over. Does anybody else find that his he's kind of a granola nazi or should I keep going and read some of his other books and hope he gets relevant? If so can you recommend any of his books in particular? Thanks!
20 On 11-25-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
Do you think that's because he just keeps repeating himself over and over again or do you feel ther'e s another reason? If he REALLLY was a granola nazi couldn't he have just made his point in a coupla pages and then save teh trees?

21 On 12-04-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
I hate to be a stickler for detail, but is it just me or does the Rev. Mitchell Irwin look a little... off-color... to anyone else? 
Maybe it's just my computer...

22 On 10-22-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
PM Hale hasn't even finished his fight, but already we've seen many 'leader's' in the Church run for the exit. With friends like these... 
We should all keep our fingers crossed for PM Hale on the 15th.
[Note: Richard Warman filed a complaint against Liz Lampman,  the complaint was mediated, and then Mr. Warman posted Liz Lampman's PRIVATE letter to the CHRC]

23 On 06-02-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
This is the first I've seen of this thread but I'll drop some cash in an envelope tonight. Don't have much but if we cant stand up with our prisoners of war then no one will. I got half way through white man's bible and still intend to ifnish it but when to find the time... 
Georgie/Big Brother there are others here from Canada besides Rob and I???? F-in eh! Are you far and if not a road trip may b ein order - who else beat us to it!!!?
24 On 06-02-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
I forgot to ask, howd the date go big fella?
[Note: Keep in mind Mr. Warman is asking this question to a male, while he is pretending to be a FEMALE!]
25 On 05-31-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
Ron Ron Ron, you really are a downer you know that? Let me rephrase my first post by saying that if people spent half the time building fellow WNs up rather than tearing them down we'd be dangerous. Unless your goal is to tear people down in which case go join Hillel or something and go to town!@ 
NSM/NA/WR/EURO/ESS/ whatever, lets quit beeyatching at each other. We'll invite you to our first meeting here in Canada and we'll work it out over a beer. Except we drink real beer so you can only have one!@
26 On 06-01-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
What did I tell you about using the word "assclown" and other profanity? 
Go wash your mouth out with soap this instant.
27 On 05-27-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
I've been around long enough to know that when people start talking sh-t about other people in the movement (and especially in public) it's usually because a)they're inadquate and want to bring everyone down to their level, or b) they might be just naive and not realize the harm this does to ALL of us. 
Maybe the NSM isn't for you. Maybe the NA isn't for you. Maybe the Klan isn't for you. Maybe I'm not for you, but that's no reason to start draggin people through the mud to make yourself feel better about you. 
Commander Schoep is doing the best he can for the NSM and if we can help him we should and if not, we should put all of our energy into our own groups and stop tearing down other people. 
That's my $.o2 
[Note: Commander Schoep is a Nazi, who wears Nazi uniforms.  The NSM stands for: National Socialist Movemet]
28 On 05-28-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
How about if I just correct you and the potty mouth that followed you that real gentlemen (esp WNs trying to make a good first impression on other people) don't use gratuitous obscenities? Don't laugh, I'm serious - if we talk like neandrathals, people will think we are. 
ANd that brings me to your second point about how we dress. You don't like uniforms? Don't wear one. A time and a place for everything and none of the NS people that I know go to school, job, church, or most other places wearing NS dress uniforms just like most people in the military don't usually go to town dressed in camo. 
If uniforms give poeple a sense of common bond for meetings and rallies then that's great. If WNs spent half the time building each other up that we do tearing each other down we'd be dangerous. 
29 On 06-21-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
I was away for a few weeks and now I can't believe that the trolls still haven't burned through their usual 30 second attention span. 
Let's review - don't like the NSM? Get lost and work on your own group. 
Grow up, move on, maybe even come out to the demo but like Comm. Schoep says that would tear you away from slagging people off on the internet so we probably won't see you there. 
If I check back in another month the eedjits will probably still be circle jerking with themselves. 
We're starting to organize in Canada, get off high chair and go do some of your own.
30 On 10-05-2005, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
Date 20051004 
Docket T-1309-05 
Ottawa, Ontario, October 4th, 2005 
Upon originating motion filed on July 27, 2005 on behalf of the Applicant, Canadian Human Rights Commission, 
Upon hearing submissions of counsel for the Applicant on August 4th, 2005; 
Upon considering the Motion Record and the written argument of the Applicant;
THIS COURT ORDERS THAT the interlocutory injunction is granted, pending a final decision by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal in proceedings before it. As a result, the Respondent, Tomasz Winnicki, is restrained from communicating, by means of the Internet, messages that are likely to expose persons to hatred or contempt by reason of race, national or ethnic origin, colour or religion, contrary to section 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act. 
Yves de Montigny 
[Note: Warman posted this to VNN and many people responded]
31 On 06-02-2004, Richard Warman, using the name “Axetogrind” posted the following message on the VNN Forum
Some of us WN women are here but some of us also dont think much of people asking if we're of "breeding age". Doesnt that hurt your knuckles when they drag like that?

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