David Icke and Richard Warman

a man from Canada - a 'human rights lawyer' - has tried to stop David
Icke and so many others having the right to express their freedom of
Does anyone know anything that we should know about Richard Warman?
If so contact ... PR@davidicke.com
is a documentary on David Icke and featuring Warman in 2001 (not all
that is said in the reporter's commentary about David Icke is correct).
Who is Richard Warman?

Warman receives award from the Canadian Jewish Congress (Bronfman
family) which has also campaigned to deny David Icke's freedom of
speech. Just a coincidence, nothing to worry about.
Warman's modus operandi:
come to the conclusion that I can be most effective by using what I
like to describe as a 'maximum disruption' approach. ... If I think that
they've violated the Canadian Human Rights Act, then I'll look at all
of the potential targets and file complaints against them starting on a
'worst offender' basis, although sometimes if I just find people to be
particularly annoying this may move them up the list a bit'
Warman continues:
'maximum disruption' part comes in because wherever I think it will be
most helpful, or even if I just feel it will be the most fun, I strongly
believe in hitting the neo-nazis on as many of these fronts as possible
either at the same time or one after the other. I say this because it
keeps them off-balance and forces them to respond to things that focus
their energies on defending themselves ...'
Warman's Fake Personas

On Warman pretending to be a woman named: Mary Dufford.
an account that I previously used to correspond with Mr. [Eldon]
Warman. Whenever there were questions about issues surrounding the case,
or if there was something that I wished to know more about his
theories, then I would simply send him e-mails using this pseudonym
account, posing as a supporter of his.
apologize for the wording of the initiating e-mail, but I have found in
the past that you tend to get a better response or a more rapid
response if you pose as a supporter who accepts the theories, or at
least is interested in knowing more about.'
Testimony of Richard Warman
Libel Suits By Richard Warman

(And these are just a few)
Yes! Canadian Human Rights Commission Exposed in Federal Court
an Eastern Ontario snowfall that delayed the appearance of his counsel,
Barbara Kulaszka, for an hour and a half, Marc Lemire walked out of
Federal Court in Toronto today a happy man. By sheer persistence, he had
wrung out of the Canadian Human Rights Commissions some amazing
least one investigator for the Canadian Human Rights Commission has
adopted a false Internet persona and trolled the Internet engaging in
conversations with prospective victims. In other words, the CHRC is
spying on Canadians, not observing and investigating, but participating
and instigating ...'

'Ironically, this was the biggest crowd of supporters ever to attend
one of the Lemire hearings and it included several victims of Richard
Warman. The atmosphere was enthusiastic but peaceful. "The bogus threat
of security and the drama queen scene of Mr. Warman and Commission
lawyers even being accompanied to the washroom by bodyguards has been a
costly and deliberate tactic to vilify the victims, to make us appear to
be a threat. I'm glad that this time, both sides were allowed to
approach the bench on a level playing field," Paul Fromm commented.'
Canadian Human Rights Commission (massively used by former employee Richard Warman) called before the Federal Court of Canada to justify Spying Operations on Canadians
evidence Marc Lemire is challenging before the Federal Court is
explosive and will blow the whole agenda of the CHRC into the open. In a
300 page record, prepared by lead counsel Barbara Kulaszka, the abuse
of Section 37 by the Commission was laid out in amazingly clear detail.
Those 300 pages decimate the Canadian Human Rights Commission's claims
and expose the spying operations of Canada's Thought Control apparatus.'
At last, the mainstream media is asking the obvious question ... who the hell is Richard Warman?

Warman pulls down a David Icke talk poster
Why should Richard Warman be the only citizen to have his own personal inquisition?
From Macleans Magazine
has availed themselves of the "human rights" protected by Section XIII?
In its entire history, over half of all cases have been brought by a
sole "complainant," one Richard Warman. Indeed, Mr. Warman has been a
plaintiff on every single Section XIII case before the federal "human
rights" star chamber since 2002 - and he's won every one.
would suggest that no man in any free society anywhere on the planet
has been so comprehensively deprived of his human rights. Well, no. Mr.
Warman doesn't have to demonstrate that he's been deprived of his human
rights, only that it's "likely" (i.e. "highly un-") that someone
somewhere will be deprived of some right sometime. Who is Richard
Warman? What's his story? Well, he's a former employee of the Canadian
Human Rights Commission: an investigator. Same as Shirlene McGovern.
there something a little odd in a supposedly necessary Canadian federal
"human rights" system used all but exclusively by one lone Canadian who
served as a long-time employee of that system? Why should Richard
Warman be the only citizen to have his own personal inquisition?'
A must see.
fact: In the three decades of the Canadian 'Human Rights' Tribunal's
existence, not a single 'defendant' in such cases has ever been
What 'human rights' lawyer Richard Warman thinks of David Icke's right to free speech and your right to hear it

This is what Canadian 'human rights' lawyer Richard Warman told the London Independent on Sunday when asked why he sought to have David Icke's public events banned:
has taken all the conspiracy theories that ever existed and melded them
together to create an even greater conspiracy of his own. His writings
may be the work of a madman, or of a genuine racist. Either way they are
very dangerous ...
'If he's unstable then so are his followers, who hang on his every
word. What benefit can there be in allowing him to speak?'
That's right, a self-styled 'human rights' campaigner actually said: 'What benefit can there be in allowing him to speak?'

No, actually, they are also the opinions of David Icke
Please circulate all of this information far and and wide. Thank-you.
Sites with information on
Richard Warman
David Icke: http://www.davidicke.com
Ezra Levant: http://ezralevant.com
AntiRacist Canada: http://antiracist-canada.blogspot.com
Freedominion: http://www.freedominion.ca
Richard Warman: http://www.davidicke.com/articles/coverups-mainmenu-65/13163-richard-warman
Marc Lemire v. CHRC: http://www.freedomsite.org/legal
SmallDeadAnimals: http://www.smalldeadanimals.com
Maximum Disruption: http://maximum-disruption.blogspot.com
Five Feet of Fury: http://www.fivefeetoffury.com
Documenting the "Maximum Disruption" Campaign of Richard WARMAN: http://richardwarman.wordpress.com
Blazing Cat Fur: http://blazingcatfur.blogspot.ca
Richard Warman Hates Freedom: http://richardwarmanhatesfreedom.blogspot.com
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