Tuesday 11 December 2012

Law changed to protect library freedom from Richard Warman in ludicrous 'case' against David Icke

Law changed to protect library freedom from Richard Warman in ludicrous 'case' against David Icke

Warman believes in freedom of speech ... so long as it only applies to him and those he agrees with.
To think that a 'Warman's Law' has to be introduced to protect Canadian libraries from this, in my opinion, tragic figure, is absolutely extraordinary. You thought you were so powerful ten years ago, darlin', didn't you, and that I was small fry that you could sweep aside? But how times change.
See you in court 'Pogue Mahone' - looking forward to it - have a nice day. You are not trying to avoid having a jury, or showing the jury the UK Channel 4 documentary, right? I mean, why would you?

Richard Warman's - 'Pogue Mahone's' - Arse

Warman wins 'human rights' award from the Canadian Jewish Congress. They were made for each other.

Sites with information on Richard Warman

Richard Warman: http://www.richardwarman.com

David Icke: http://www.davidicke.com

Ezra Levant: http://ezralevant.com

AntiRacist Canada: http://antiracist-canada.blogspot.com

Freedominion: http://www.freedominion.ca

Richard Warman: http://www.davidicke.com/articles/coverups-mainmenu-65/13163-richard-warman

Marc Lemire v. CHRC: http://www.freedomsite.org/legal

SmallDeadAnimals: http://www.smalldeadanimals.com

Maximum Disruption: http://maximum-disruption.blogspot.com

Five Feet of Fury: http://www.fivefeetoffury.com

Documenting the "Maximum Disruption" Campaign of Richard WARMAN: http://richardwarman.wordpress.com

Blazing Cat Fur: http://blazingcatfur.blogspot.ca

Richard Warman Hates Freedom: http://richardwarmanhatesfreedom.blogspot.com



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