Saturday 29 December 2012

The ‘Richard Warman vs. FD/internet privacy’ appeal

The ‘Richard Warman vs. FD/internet privacy’ appeal

Update:  the Fourniers won the appeal!  I will update more soon – sorry about the delay.
While we walk through the landscape, we know we were climbing a hill, or crossing a meadow – but we so much a part of the landscape that we are often be unable to tell just how high the hill is, or how close to the summit we are.  Yet, standing atop that hill, looking back at the land one has crossed, the features of the landscape are clear and easy to discern.
So it is with our journey through time…
When ‘history happens’ around us, we are usually so immersed in its details that the minutiae obscure the ‘summits’ which, when future generations look back into our era, will be considered the ‘defining events’.  It is my never-humble-opinion that the legal precedent which will be set in this case will, if not a ‘mountain’, be a ‘hill’ in the landscape of our time.
That is why, on the 8th of April, 2010, I went to see history made, with my own eyes.  It is taking me many posts to describe my observations (and some background material) of this event.  This page will serve as an index:  I will keep adding links to my posts on this topic as I create them.
First – Connie Fournier’s observations of the event were first posted on FreeDominion, then, with her permission, re-posted by me in two parts, here and here.
It is undeniable that I felt the tension of the importance of this event, and attempted to relieve some of it by presenting a tongue-in-cheek description of first, my quest to find the correct courtroom, then of waiting for the hearing to begin.
But the time for humour (if you are generous enough to call it that) was over when the proceedings began.
First, introductions of the people there that day are here.
Next, an overview of the raw facts of this case is here.
A ‘softer’ overview (commentary) of what this case is about is here.
For those of us not schooled in the law,(coming) is an overview of the legal terms which (in my layman’s opinion) define the case as well as some of the cases cited as legal precedents:
Also coming will be the my observations of the presentations. …this page will be updated as this happens.  I apologize for taking so long getting the info up – I am a slow writer…  More ‘stuff’ coming soon!

Sites with information on Richard Warman

Richard Warman:
David Icke:
Ezra Levant:
AntiRacist Canada:
Richard Warman:
Marc Lemire v. CHRC:
Maximum Disruption:
Five Feet of Fury:
Documenting the "Maximum Disruption" Campaign of Richard WARMAN:
Blazing Cat Fur:
Richard Warman Hates Freedom:

Friday 21 December 2012

Government DND lawyer Richard Warman calls Senator Anne Cools a "nigger" and says she belongs in the kitchen

Richard Warman's Covert Alias:
Used for:
Posting to the Freedomsite.Org website message board

What was posted by Warman
“Not only is Canadian Senator Anne Cools is a Negro, she is also an immigrant!
And she is also one helluva preachy c*nt.
She does NOT belong in my Canada. My Anglo-Germanic people were here before
there was a Canada and her kind have jumped in, polluted our race, and forced
their bullshit down our throats.
Time to go back to when the women nigger imports knew their place…
And that place was NOT in public!
Posted: Sep. 5, 2003

Is Richard Warman a racist bigot, or was he "just following orders" issued by his masters at the Canadian Human Rights Commission when he posted the headlined message above on a Freedomsite forum on September 5, 2003? Whatever the answer, the same CHRC that has ruled Bible verses to be hate speech doesn't seem to consider these words to be a problem.

But they are a big problem, for both Richard Warman and the CHRC, and the rest of what he wrote only makes matters worse.

“Not only is Canadian Senator Anne Cools is a Negro, she is also an immigrant!
And she is also one helluva preachy c*nt.
She does NOT belong in my Canada. My Anglo-Germanic people were here before
there was a Canada and her kind have jumped in, polluted our race, and forced
their bullshit down our throats.
Time to go back to when the women nigger imports knew their place…
And that place was NOT in public!

It may be mere coincidence that Richard Warman is in fact an Anglo-German, but it is not likely a coincidence at all that the owner of the website where Richard Warman posted this racist screed against Sen. Anne Cools came under attack by the CHRC shortly after Richard Warman began his complaint-less investigation there.

Complaint-less investigations by the CHRC have been in the news lately because information has surfaced concerning CHRC operative Dean Steacy and his official exploits as 'Jadewarr'. But compared to his colleague Richard Warman, Dean Steacy is a piker. Richard Warman enters a forum swinging as '90sAREover'.

In testimony beginning January 29, 2007 Richard Warman admitted under oath in Canadian Human Rights Tribunal hearing (Case T1073/5405) that he was, in fact, the poster named 'lucy' who had registered on the Freedomsite (and other) forums. What he neglected to add was that 'lucy' was not his first Freedomsite screen name. He failed to mention that his complaint-less investigation of Freedomsite actually began two months before 'lucy' hit the scene, it began when he registered on the Freedomsite under the screen name '90sAREover'.

Another miscalculation by Richard Warman was the technical expertise of the target of this particular setup operation. Marc Lemire is a techie, a networking nerd, so it was not much of a problem for him to find information on both 'lucy' and '90sAREover' in the Freedomsite database.

The table reproduced below shows information found in the Freedomsite database comparing Richard Warman's admitted 'lucy' identity (left column) to information about '90sAREover' (right column). This table infomation was gathered by expert technology witness Bernard Klatt and submitted as evidence to a Canadian Human Rights Tribunal on February 8, 2007.

Admitted Richard Warman/lucy info 90sAREover info
IP address = IP address =
ISP = Rogers Cable ISP = Rogers Cable
OS = Windows 98 OS = Windows 98
Browser = Mozilla 4.0 compatible MSIE 6.0 Browser = Mozilla 4.0 compatible MSIE 6.0
ID = lucy ( ID = 90sAREover (
setup using anonymous email account setup using anonymous email account
on obscure message limited-interest board on obscure message limited-interest board
logged onto message board only twice logged onto message board only twice
very short usage time (120 min) very short usage time (14 min)
no optional info supplied no optional info supplied
created for single purpose created for single purpose
used Nov. 11, 15, 23, 2003 used Sep. 5, 2003

Mr. Klatt concludes in Paragraph 71 of his affidavit:

"Based on the information provided in this affidavit, in my expert opinion, I concluded that the Freedomsite message board user accounts "90sAREover" and "lucy" are those of Richard Warman and that Richard Warman was the poster of the message headed "Cools don't belong in our Senate" posted September 5, 2003."

There is also no doubt that the CHRC was aware of this internet posting by 90sAREover because it was a part of the original complaint filed by Richard Warman, when referred to tribunal. But this posting is no longer a part of the CHRC complaint against Lemire, the CHRC dropped it from the complaint the day after Mr. Lemire won a decision to subpoena Rogers' internet records.

This posting by 90sAREover would be a slam dunk in a real court of law, so why did the CHRC drop it from the complaint?

This story is far from over because the attacks on Marc Lemire by the CHRC are ongoing and with no end in sight, as are the attacks on many other Canadians by this government agency. This story is also far from being completely told. More ugly twists and turns will be revealed as those at the center of it all give us leave to report the details.

Slowly but surely the truth is coming out.

And it isn't pretty.

Richard Warman’s “maximum disruption” libel cases
reveal too much

Richard Warman’s strategy of maximum disruption of the lives of those who hold political opinions unapproved by Richard Warman included many tactics. He associated with violent brownshirts like those from the ARA, with painfully obvious obliqueness he counselled physical assault on his targets, he tried to frame his victims by planting evidence against them on their websites and then dragging them into a CHRT kangaroo court for summary convictions. Suing individuals in civil court was also one of his tactics, as can be seen with his attempt to silence Free Dominion via his lawsuit against Mark and Connie Fournier.

Warman’s suit against Free Dominion was likely motivated by the fact that some posters at FD had begun posting hints about the operations of Richard Warman. He understood better than any of us how much he had to hide. In the end, it was this civil suit that initiated his downfall. Instead of succumbing to fear we began to look even deeper into Richard Warman’s activities.

Richard Warman lived in his own little world where he was surrounded by pro-censorship organizations like the CHRC and the CJC. In this tight little club he received awards and accolades for selling off the liberty of all Canadians. But now the country knows what he was really doing and we are learning very much about the agencies and political philosophies that were supporting his operations. And the more we learn, the dirtier they all become.

Free Dominion published transcript evidence that Richard Warman was indeed Lucy and that Lucy and "90sAREover" (of the Anne Cools/n*gger c*nt post) were using the same computer and the same IP address. Now more IP evidence has arisen as a result of Warman’s libel complaint against Paul Fromm.

In Warman v. Fromm, Volume 1 of the Book of Documents – Tab 4 Richard Warman submits as evidence a document written by Paul Fromm titled, “Jewish Lobby being re-organized”. Richard Warman copied this document on October 15, 2003 from the URL

A check of the freedomsite log files for the event in question produced this result:

Quote: - - [15/Oct/2003:20:46:13 -0400] "GET /pipermail/fs_announce/2003/001248.html HTTP/1.1" 200 18740 "" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)"

What this shows is that Richard Warman printed out the document:

Using hostname:
On: 15/Oct/2003:20:46:13 (8:46PM)
He accessed the document by clicking on a link at: (known as the referrer)
And was using: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)

In 2003, Mr. Lemire was running TWO servers. One of them ran the message board (a Windows-based computer), and a totally separate Linux box was running the website. The above log entry is from the SECOND server, and is, thus, a secondary source to confirm exactly what Warman was doing.


The second server that Lemire was running logged the visitors by either hostname or IP address. As you can see above it was the HOSTNAME that was logged.

The hostname is:

That hostname matches exactly the IP address used by Warman on the message board when he registered as Lucy…which is also the IP address used in the notorious Cools post. = [ ]

You can verify this yourself on your own computer by doing this:

Click on Start button.
Click on RUN
In the box type: cmd (then click OK)
(a black DOS window will open)
Then type this exactly as I have it: nslookup

You should see this:

*** Can't find server name for address Non-existent domain
*** Default servers are not available
Server: UnKnown

Non-authoritative answer:

So here is the new timeline:

September 5, 2003: Richard Warman had the IP address of: (Expert witness Bernard Klatt testified on this) and posted the message against Senator Anne Cools.

October 15, 2003: Richard Warman had the IP address of: Printed material to be used in the Paul Fromm Libel case. (Book of documents – Volume 1 – Tab 3 and 4)

November 11, 15 and 23rd, 2003: Richard Warman had the IP address of: (Warman testified he visited the Freedomsite on these dates – see page 1 of the complaint form filed by Warman against Lemire)

Click Here to see the evidence that is being submitted to the tribunal.

Jonathan Kay on Richard Warman and Canada's phony-racism industry

Posted: February 18, 2008, 1:14 P M by Jonathan Kay
Jonathan Kay | National Post

Canadians now know the precise moment when radical anti-racism became a more powerful sociological toxin than racism itself: 7:55pm EST on Sept. 5, 2003.

That is the date-stamp on a particularly vile posting, left by an anonymous user on the message board of the right-wing web site, attacking Canada ’s first black senator. It read as follows: “Not only is Canadian Senator Anne Cools is a Negro, she is also an immigrant! And she is also one helluva preachy c*nt. She does NOT belong in my Canada . M y Anglo-Germanic people were here before there was a Canada and her kind have jumped in, polluted our race, and forced their bullshit down our throats. Time to go back to when the women *** imports knew their place … And that place was NOT in public!”

Horrible, shocking stuff. But even more shocking is the identity of the fellow whose electronic fingerprints were all over the message: famed Canadian human-rights lawyer Richard Warman.

Warman is a legend in anti-racism circles. A former member of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, he’s launched countless complaints against right-wing extremists, and won almost all of them. But during proceedings surrounding one of Warman’s 2003-era complaints against freedomsite, the respondents turned the tables. A computer expert named Bernard Klatt did some digging under freedomsite’s back office, and determined that the Cools posting had been made from a computer bearing the IP address, the very same address from which Warman had admitted to visiting freedomsite using a different alias.

Other technical details – such as the operating system and Web browser being used – also provided an exact match to Warman. Based on this evidence, Klatt concluded in a recently publicized affidavit, “Richard Warman was the poster of the message headed ‘Cools don’t belong in our Senate.’ ”

Does this mean Warman is a closet bigot? I doubt it. What seems more likely is that – like other anti-racism activists – Warman simply found himself running out of Aryan Nation types to chase around the Internet. And so, under this theory, he decided to just start typing the stuff up on his own computer – and then added these self-authored “racist” postings to his blunderbuss brief against freedomsite. (As Klatt notes, Warman has been accused of perpetrating the same sort of stunts on other right-wing Web sites.) When you’ve got profitable hate-speech cases to prosecute, why wait for some unemployed conspiracy theorist to start raving against immigrants when you can just manufacture the evidence yourself?

Bizarre as this episode may be, it is of a piece with a larger trend – symbolized, south of the border, by the shamefully trumped up case against the Duke University lacrosse team. The anti-racism industry, running out of legitimate hatemongers to go after, has gone rogue in its search for attention and relevance.

It also raises the question: How many other faux-racist frauds are out there? Thanks to Warman, it's a question I now think about every time a Canadian hate-speech activist or blogger publicizes an email he gets from some or other. These poisonous messages are held up as dramatic proof that there are still plenty of Nazi types out there – and that without hate-speech laws to shut them up, the country’s gays, Jews, Black and Arabs will remain at risk of verbal assault, or worse. But if the picking are so slim that anti-racists have slid into second careers as fiction writers, what does that say about the scale of the problem? How many of the other examples of “hate” that you see out there are similarly bogus?

The anti-racism industry has become an industry like any other: As the actual need for what its peddling has diminished in this extraordinarily tolerant nation, the industry’s various profiteers and carnival barkers have created myths and exaggerated fears to prop themselves up.

As I’ve written before, this would not be so much a problem if their various speech codes were used merely to prosecute men such as David Ahenakew, Ernst Zundel, Jim Keegstra and the like. But in the post-9/11 era, radical anti-racists are also agitating to shut up sensible people saying sensible things about the war against militant Islam, the defining global struggle of our era. They’re also giving comfort to Islamists who seek to carve out sectarian taboos from our hallowed tradition of free speech.

All of this would be destructive enough on its own. When the censors start churning out the hate speech themselves – that makes them as much a farce as a menace.

The scandal

Sunday, 20 January 2008
Further to the post below, Kathy Shaidle takes up the curious subject of serial plaintiff Richard Warman, author of the forthcoming book How To Use Words Like N*gger And C*nt For Fun And Profit.
Many of us have been caught in a quandary by this Human Rights farrago of a travesty of a farrago. As David Warren suggests, we could easily counter-sue and pile up a zillion nuisance suits. But to do so would offend against a principled belief that these human rights tribunals are illegitimate. However, given that he has been a plaintiff on every single Section XIII case before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal since 2002, and that in not one of these cases has the CHRT found in favour of the defendant, I wonder if we might not make an exception in favour of Mr Warman. Just to reprise, these are words written and electronically communicated by Richard Warman:
Not only is Canadian Senator Anne Cools is a Negro, she is also an immigrant!
And she is also one helluva preachy c*nt.
She does NOT belong in my Canada. My Anglo-Germanic people were here before
there was a Canada and her kind have jumped in, polluted our race, and forced
their bullshit down our throats.
Time to go back to when the women nigger imports knew their place…
And that place was NOT in public!
Quite the prose stylist, eh? As I said previously, this isn't entrapment; it's manufacturing the crime. Mr Warman posted these words on a website and then used them as part of his complaint to the Canadian Human Rights Commission. That is Scandal #1.
Furthermore, when the defendant then made plain that he wished to subpoena the records of the ISP to uncover the author of the above post, the Canadian Human Rights Commission mysteriously dropped it from the case. This suggests an explicit collusion between the CHRC investigators and their former colleague, Mr Warman. That is Scandal #2.
For posting these words on the website and then taking said website to the Human Rights Commission, Mr Warman has been substantially enriched by the Canadian state. That is Scandal #3.
At this point, the Minister of Justice needs to step in. The administration of Section XIII is a public disgrace. I agree with Pundita that it is, in fact, a criminal act in itself. The Minister should order a judicial inquiry into the systemic corruption of Section XIII. Furthermore, in the interim, Agent Dean Steacy should be removed from all "hate" cases, all current cases suspended, and the judgments in those cases brought by Richard The Anglo-German Warman vacated. The mountain of phony-baloney "jurisprudence" based on the Warman racket should be tossed in the trash.
In the end, Maclean's and I might prevail over this thug racket. But why should we have to spend significant six-figure sums doing so given the prima facie evidence above? Section XIII is misbegotten in theory and a shakedown racket in practice. It's time to end it.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Richard Warman: not a racist -- he just plays one on the internet.

"Yeah, I'm a fascist, but for the Left..."
-- Woody Allen in Manhattan (1977)

This post must be read to be believed.
Looks like Richard Warman, the ex-Human Rights Commission employee who uses the Commission as his own personal s&m dungeon/ casino, has been well and truly toasted.
FreeDominion says Richard Warman wrote something disturbing at another website that I won't print here because The Shotgun isn't my blog (but FreeDominion claims to have the ISP addresses to prove it).
Be sure to read the whole thing, and, please tell your MP what you think of this use of your tax dollars -- funding employees and ex-employees of the HRC in dubious "undercover" activities.

Can a sockpuppet be a bigot?

January 21, 2008 |
Not content with having the Canadian Human Rights Commission act as his own, private, shakedown agency, the easily offended Richard Warman has, apparently, taken to posting vile, racist, remarks under a now traced phony name. I am not going republish this filth on my blog but go over to Free Dominion for the details.
Three observations: first, this is profoundly corrupt. Fake posts written by a serial complainant who then complains about the fake post should be enough to prompt a full scale, judicial, inquiry into the CHRC. How many other bigot-bots has Richard Warman fired into forums and comment sections and then complained about. At a minimum every one of Richard Warman’s complaints to the CHRC - and he has won all of them - should be re-investigated for fraud.
Part of that judicial inquiry should focus on how complicit the CHRC or its staff have been in this Richard Warman fraud and any others which may have occurred.
Second, Richard Warman is a lawyer. As such he is not supposed to be defrauding quasi-judicial bodies such as the CHRC. As this story gains traction it will be interesting to see if, for example, the proprietors of Free Dominion, ask the Benchers of the Law Society of Upper Canada to investigate.
Third, the losing parties in Richard Warman CHRC complaints would be well advised to seek legal advice as to the possibility of re-opening their complaint and/or looking to real courts for damages against Richard Warman and the CHRC.
Frankly, what little credibility the CHRC had has just been shredded. If the Tories had any stones they would shut the Commission down pending the outcome of a really hardcore, judicial, investigation of Richard Warman’s fraud.

Sites with information on Richard Warman

Richard Warman:
David Icke:
Ezra Levant:
AntiRacist Canada:
Richard Warman:
Marc Lemire v. CHRC:
Maximum Disruption:
Five Feet of Fury:
Documenting the "Maximum Disruption" Campaign of Richard WARMAN:
Blazing Cat Fur:
Richard Warman Hates Freedom:

Thursday 20 December 2012

Free Speech War "Linking" Litigation: Blazing Cat Fur under fire

Speaking of good causes -- our northern neighbors and fellow freedom fighters (and quite possibly my favorite Canadian blog), Blazing Cat Fur, is under free speech attack from a fascist thug who wants to silence the truth tellers. Blazing Cat Fur is being sued for ....libel.
As many of you are aware my legal tussle, the fallout from our victory over Section 13 (1), with Richard Warman continues. Warman is suing for libel, largely for comments made by multiple readers. Trial is approaching in the New Year and anticipated costs will escalate by a very significant degree.

While I take no pleasure in asking for your help I must if we are to continue to fight. If everyone who visits this blog on a daily basis were to donate 20 Dollars our situation would be vastly improved.
Mark Steyn wrote of this battle:
During my battles with the Canadian "human rights" regime, we relentlessly exposed the corrupt relationship between the Commissars and Canada's self-appointed Hatefinder-General, Richard Warman. See here and here, among many other places. I also spoke about him when testifying to Parliament. Almost as soon as the truth about his Nazi website postings became known, Warman began suing. He sued Ezra Levant, with whom I'll be appearing on Saturday, as well as Kate McMillan, Kathy Shaidle, Free Dominion and anyone else who got in his way. At the time, many people asked me why he hadn't sued me, both for columns that appeared in Maclean's and for posts such as this one at SteynOnline.
Well, the reason he didn't sue me is because (a) Maclean's is a corporate entity with very deep pockets and (b) SteynOnline is based in the United States, where no court would give him the time of the day. So considerably more vulnerable Canadians have had to bear the brunt and serve as proxy targets for Warman's shakedown racket. He is now suing Blazing Cat Fur merely for linking to "far-right web site" SteynOnline, and demanding half-a-million dollars for damage to his "reputation".
These suits are a bloody fortune, and are designed to shut us up and shut us down.

There are so few of us out here in the wilderness. We fight for our freedom, your freedom and freedom for your children, only to suffer the relentless attacks and smear campaigns on our work, our good names and reputations, with little compensation. This is not easy work. But we do it. Every day. We do it because we must, because it is right and because silence is surrender.

Help Blazing Cat Fur -- to make a donation by PayPal, please click the Paypal Kitty Treat pic on the sidebar or use email:
  Sites with information on Richard Warman

Richard Warman:
David Icke:
Ezra Levant:
AntiRacist Canada:
Richard Warman:
Marc Lemire v. CHRC:
Maximum Disruption:
Five Feet of Fury:
Documenting the "Maximum Disruption" Campaign of Richard WARMAN:
Blazing Cat Fur:
Richard Warman Hates Freedom:

Monday 17 December 2012

Another court smacks down top Canadian censor, Richard Warman

Another court smacks down top Canadian censor, Richard Warman

Richard Warman is one of the most dangerous men in Canada. He is one of the most principled enemies of freedom in this country, and he has learnt how to effectively use the anti-democratic Canadian Human Rights Commission against his enemies. He seemed invincible for a while, but then he started facing freedom fighters who refused to back down and be intimidated by a thug. A court recently awarded Connie Fournier, founder of the Free Dominion website, court costs from Mr. Warman. (Note the “pa” suffix in FD’s domain name because they decided to set up offshore because Canada has become a dangerous place for freedom advocates to operate.) Today, we learn that, in a libel case Mr. Warman himself launched against Ezra Levant, a Superior Court judge has ordered Mr. Warman to turn over “a laptop computer he used to create false personas on far-right websites, so that an independent expert can search it for evidence that Mr. Warman authored a racist comment against a Canadian Senator.

Following is an excerpt from Ezra Levant’s blog today on this development. You can read the complete post and follow Mr. Levant’s links here.

August 19, 2010
Superior Court of Justice: Richard Warman must hand over his computer for inspection
By Ezra Levant

It’s been months since I’ve given a report about the nuisance SLAPP lawsuits that Canada’s illiberal censors have unleashed against me. As longtime readers will know, I was targeted by Canada’s Orwellian human rights industry back in 2006 when they falsely prosecuted me for publishing the Danish cartoons of Mohammed in a magazine, and I dared to fight back instead of go meekly.

Those bullies dropped the cartoon prosecution against me (after 15 government bureaucrats and lawyers dined out on me for 900 days), leaving me with $100,000 in legal bills. (Thank you for helping me pay that bill, dear reader.) But then the most aggressive members of the human rights industry proceeded to punish me by filing over 20 law society complaints and five defamation suits against me, which have been proceeding ever since.

Today’s story in the National Post about one of those lawsuits seems like a good opportunity to give an update.

Warman must hand over his neo-Nazi records

The Post story is headlined “Lawyer who launched libel suit against Ezra Levant ordered to hand over computer”, and that’s a pretty accurate summary of what happened this week. In brief, an Ontario judge has ordered Richard Warman, a former Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) staffer and Canada’s most prolific censor, to hand over a copy of his laptop computer to an independent forensic expert, who will search it for evidence relevant to Warman’s Nazi activities.

Warman’s neo-Nazi activities already condemned by Canadian Human Rights Tribunal
Those activities are at the center of Warman’s two nuisance lawsuits against me. Warman is a member of several neo-Nazi organizations, including Stormfront and Vanguard, and he posted hundreds of anti-Semitic, anti-black and anti-gay comments online, including my personal favourite, when he called Jews “scum”. That last comment was particularly offensive to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, which issued a ruling last year calling Warman’s racist conduct “disappointing and disturbing”. No kidding.

Writing hundreds of bigoted messages is bizarre and un-Canadian to begin with. But even weirder is that Warman published much of this bigotry while he was working at the CHRC, and then later when Warman went on to work at the Department of National Defence’s own internal human rights commission, called the Directorate of Special Grievances. Seriously, that’s what it’s called.

So here was someone claiming to be fighting against “hate speech” by day, but pumping out hundreds of hateful comments by night.


Warman has given a name to his belief in bullying: “maximum disruption”
Anyways, Warman sued me because I wrote about this creepiness. You can see his statement of claim here (he’s actually sued me twice, in nearly-identical lawsuits), and my statement of defence here. Warman has sued or threatened to sue over sixty different people for defamation — I’m not the only one he tries to bully with his philosophy he calls “maximum disruption”. But I am, so far, the only person who has used the procedural rules of court to demand that Warman disclose his relevant records — such as the electronic trail he left behind as he wrote his countless bigoted comments online.

Read the complete post here.

Sites with information on Richard Warman

Richard Warman:

David Icke:

Ezra Levant:

AntiRacist Canada:


Richard Warman:

Marc Lemire v. CHRC:


Maximum Disruption:

Five Feet of Fury:

Documenting the "Maximum Disruption" Campaign of Richard WARMAN:

Blazing Cat Fur:

Richard Warman Hates Freedom:

Saturday 15 December 2012

Richard Warman and his online neo-Nazi personalities

On Warman using fake names in a covert operations.
"I am not sure that I  am completely comfortable with the fact that another name was used. I am not going to comment on that. There is some kind of impersonation going on here which I am not completely comfortable with"
Tribunal Member in Eldon Warman case
"Mr. Warman’s posting on Stormfront and VNN are “..both disappointing and disturbing”   Further Mr. Warman’s postings “…could have precipitated further hate messages in response.”

Fake pseudonyms used by Richard Warman in covert operations against Canadians
"Theres a reason it's called "White" Nationalism and why the founders of NS excluded sexual deviants that are like a Cancer to our movement..."  (Richard Warman as "Lucie")
Warman pretends to be a WOMAN named "Lucie" on the "Neo-Nazi" StormFront.Org White Nationalist message board to post messages.

Richard Warman posted the following under a sign that read "WHITE REVOLUTION, The Only Solution"
"I agree. Keep up the good work Commander Schoep! 88 [Heil Hitler]" (Richard Warman as "Lucie")
Warman pretends to be a WOMAN named "Lucie" on the "neo-Nazi" Vanguard News Network (VNNForum) to post messages.  VNN's main page described the site as "No Jews ... Just Right"

3: Infiltration E-Mail address Warman used to engage Eldon Warman and his DeTax movement.  Was also used by Richard Warman to infiltrate the Zundelsite ZGrams internet mailing list.  Richard Warman also calls Canadian Human Rights Tribunal an "inquisition" [Covert Ops > Mary Dufford]

4: Infiltration of Canadian Heritage Alliance mailing list and to order a supporter card.
“Not only is Canadian Senator Anne Cools is a Negro, she is also an immigrant! And she is also one helluva preachy c*nt. She does NOT belong in my Canada. My Anglo-Germanic people were here before there was a Canada and her kind have jumped in, polluted our race, and forced their bullshit down our throats. Time to go back to when the women nigger imports knew their place… And that place was NOT in public! (Richard Warman as "90sAreOver")
6: Infiltration account used on the Northern Alliance website.  Warman initially denied under oath to having this account,  then was forced to admit it, under cross-examination.
[59] During his cross-examination, Mr. Warman admitted (after initially denying) that he had participated in communicating messages on Internet Websites similar to the Northern Alliance Website... [Decision: 2009 CHRT 10]

On Warman pretending to be a woman named: Mary Dufford.
It's an account that I previously used to correspond with Mr. [Eldon] Warman. Whenever there were questions about issues surrounding the case, or if there was something that I wished to know more about his theories, then I would simply send him e-mails using this pseudonym account, posing as a supporter of his.
I apologize for the wording of the initiating e-mail, but I have found in the past that you tend to get a better response or a more rapid response if you pose as a supporter who accepts the theories, or at least is interested in knowing more

Testimony of Richard Warman (See Full transcript in Eldon Warman's case)

On Richard Warman perhaps wanting to contact Eldon Warman pretending to be Mary Dufford the judge said:
"But I would not encourage a party to send e-mail under an assumed name. I really think that would be inappropriate. I am not completely comfortable with that."
Senior Tribunal Member - Dr. Paul Groarke

Friday 14 December 2012

Blazingcatfur Legal Defense Fund Raising Drive - to fight SLAPP suit by Richard Warman

Hi All,

As many of you are aware my legal tussle, the fallout from our victory over Section 13 (1), with Richard Warman continues. Warman is suing for libel, largely for comments made by multiple readers. Trial is approaching in the New Year and anticipated costs will be be very significant, as in several 10's of thousands.

While I take no pleasure in asking for your help I must if we are to continue to fight. If everyone who visits this blog on a daily basis were to donate 20 Dollars our situation would be vastly improved.

If you enjoy reading Blazingcatfur please donate, your help is needed.

I want to thank all of you for your ongoing support, it means a great deal to both K and I. It isn't always an easy task to provide a forum such as this where the voices of ordinary people can be heard without fear or censure. I will keep on keeping on so long as you want me.

Merry Christmas everyone from Me, K & Pip.

To make a donation by PayPal please click the Paypal Kitty Treat pic on the sidebar or use email -

Donations may also be made via email/interac money transfers, again using

If you wish to make a donation by cheque and send it via the mail:

The cheque must be made payable to "Bersenas Jacobsen In Trust"

You must address the envelope as follows:

Bersenas Jacobsen C/O Blazingcatfur Legal Defense Fund
33 Yonge St., Suite 201
Toronto, ON M5E 1G4,

Sites with information on Richard Warman

Richard Warman:
David Icke:
Ezra Levant:
AntiRacist Canada:
Richard Warman:
Marc Lemire v. CHRC:
Maximum Disruption:
Five Feet of Fury:
Documenting the "Maximum Disruption" Campaign of Richard WARMAN:
Blazing Cat Fur:
Richard Warman Hates Freedom:

Thursday 13 December 2012

Liberal Fascist Richard Warman Is Inside DND

Liberal Fascist Richard Warman Is Inside DND 

Ezra Levant chomps down hard on the elusive Liberal Fascist aggressor, Richard Warman, and refuses to let go, demanding answers as to what he's doing within the Department of National Defence hierarchy.
What’s Richard Warman up to these days? It’s a question that even Athanasios Hadjis, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal chairman, was asking last week in Ottawa. That’s because the hearing over which Hadjis was presiding was called Warman v. Lemire, with Warman as the nominal complainant. But all that means is Warman filled out the paperwork to start the complaint – and he gets to cash the cheque from Marc Lemire when Lemire is convicted of thought crimes, as 100% of section 13 respondents have been before him.

Warman hadn’t shown up at his own hearing for months. But he had no reason to show up – the taxpayers of Canada were doing his work for him, in the form of Canadian Human Rights Commission lawyers and staff who were prosecuting the case. In fact, Warman had a positive reason not to attend – pesky reporters were in attendance, chock full of questions about his serial complaints, his collusion and interference with CHRC staff, and his personal philosophy of “maximum disruption”.

Warman wasn’t far away, though – his office is literally one block west of the Tribunal, actually. Warman works as a lawyer for the Department of National Defence. But what does he do there?

Warman is no soldier – unless you count the time he bravely commanded a squad of street urchins in their surprise pie attack on Warman’s enemy, David Icke. So what does Warman do to help keep our country safe, and liberate Afghanistan?
Read on to find out for yourself. Hint: "Lucie" is perhaps up to his old tricks again, it would appear. He's with the "Directorate of Special Grievances", whatever the hell that is. Again, find out for yourself.
Ezra Levant will not let Richard Warman get away with any more of his personally financially rewarding Liberal Fascism campaign to take away Canadians' rights. Ezra's asking for any military personnel who have fallen victim to Comrade Warman to tell him their story.
The Liberal Fascists will not be able to breathe easy ever again. Ezra Levant will not relent. Neither will freedom-loving Canadians!
We must root out the Liberal Fascists, wherever they lurk, wherever they lie, no matter where, no matter how, and no matter what the expense. Turnabout is fair play, Liberal Fascists!
Sites with information on Richard Warman

Richard Warman:

David Icke:

Ezra Levant:

AntiRacist Canada:


Richard Warman:

Marc Lemire v. CHRC:


Maximum Disruption:

Five Feet of Fury:

Documenting the "Maximum Disruption" Campaign of Richard WARMAN:

Blazing Cat Fur:

Richard Warman Hates Freedom:



National Post and Nazi DND Lawyer Richard Warman team up to attack Free Dominion

Is the National Post still a conservative newspaper?

Consider the following article: ... 33901.html

Is the National Post still a conservative newspaper? Let's look at the evidence.

Back in 2008, Jonathan Kay wrote an article about Richard Warman and posted it on the National Post website. It was entitled "Jonathan Kay on Richard Warman and Canada's phony-racism industry". A complete copy of that article is available here: It is about midway down the page under the National Post logo.

About 8 hours after the article was posted, the National Post received a libel notice from Richard Warman and they pulled the article and wrote an apology.

Richard Warman sued them anyway. They were named as co-defendents in the same lawsuit against FD, SmallDeadAnimals, FiveFeetofFury and Ezra Levant.

Sometime along the way the National Post reached a settlement with Richard Warman and the lawsuit was dropped against them and Jonathan Kay (it continues against the rest of us). Around that time, the National Post gave an exclusive copyright licence to Richard Warman for the Kay article. That meant that he could publish it himself (yeah, right), or he could sue anyone else who published it (right up his alley).

Shortly after that, Warman contacted us and told us that he had a copyright licence for that article and demanded that the copy of the article be removed from Free Dominion. We complied. We took down the article and replaced it with a direct excerpt from the Statement of Claim that he had served on all of us and filed with the court. That excerpt contained some lines from the article and the meanings that Warman had attached to them.

In the spring of 2011, Warman contacted us again and said he was going to launch a copyright suit against us over the excerpts of that article, the speech that detailed his "Maximum Disruption" strategy of legal warfare against his political enemies (available here:, and a photo of him that was hotlinked from his website.

In an attempt to comply with his request and avoid the litigation, we removed the offending items and links from Free Dominion, even though we felt we were not violating copyright law.

This, of course, was not enough from Mr. Warman, who responded that he wanted $8,583.93 for legal costs and "damages" before he would drop it.

So, to make a long story short, we couldn't afford to hire another lawyer so we represented ourselves, went to court and won.

Unfortunately, the story doesn't end here.

The National Post was named on the lawsuit, but they did not have their own lawyers. Everything was served on the "Solicitors for the Applicants", the firm Warman hired.

Once the decision came down, however, the National Post, for some reason, decided that they needed to bring in their own legal firepower. They hired one of the most expensive and prestigious copyright law firms in Canada and filed their own appeal.

Between the two law firms representing Warman and the National Post, however, they managed to miss a deadline in the proceeding by nearly a month.

They must be granted an extension by the court or they will not be allowed to proceed.

Interestingly, that motion for extension was brought by the lawyers for the National Post, and Richard Warman's lawyer is not even making any submissions. The National Post lawyers also seem to be taking a lead role in this case now.

Since the material has all been removed from Free Dominion, the National Post is after us for one thing. Money.

And, all Richard Warman has to do now is sit back and relax while the National Post supplies all the money and legal muscle to continue pounding us in court.

So, is the National Post still a conservative newspaper? Instead of using their financial resources to stand with their conservative co-defendents who were standing up for freedom of speech, they bailed, and they provided the plaintiff with the tools to launch further litigation against us. Now, they have hired the most expensive lawyers they can find to go after Canada's largest conservative website for money.

So, I say there is nothing conservative about the National Post, and real conservatives should seriously consider finding other news alternatives.

Sites with information on Richard Warman

Richard Warman:
David Icke:
Ezra Levant:
AntiRacist Canada:
Richard Warman:
Marc Lemire v. CHRC:
Maximum Disruption:
Five Feet of Fury:
Documenting the "Maximum Disruption" Campaign of Richard WARMAN:
Blazing Cat Fur:
Richard Warman Hates Freedom:

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Law changed to protect library freedom from Richard Warman in ludicrous 'case' against David Icke

Law changed to protect library freedom from Richard Warman in ludicrous 'case' against David Icke

Warman believes in freedom of speech ... so long as it only applies to him and those he agrees with.
To think that a 'Warman's Law' has to be introduced to protect Canadian libraries from this, in my opinion, tragic figure, is absolutely extraordinary. You thought you were so powerful ten years ago, darlin', didn't you, and that I was small fry that you could sweep aside? But how times change.
See you in court 'Pogue Mahone' - looking forward to it - have a nice day. You are not trying to avoid having a jury, or showing the jury the UK Channel 4 documentary, right? I mean, why would you?

Richard Warman's - 'Pogue Mahone's' - Arse

Warman wins 'human rights' award from the Canadian Jewish Congress. They were made for each other.

Sites with information on Richard Warman

Richard Warman:

David Icke:

Ezra Levant:

AntiRacist Canada:


Richard Warman:

Marc Lemire v. CHRC:


Maximum Disruption:

Five Feet of Fury:

Documenting the "Maximum Disruption" Campaign of Richard WARMAN:

Blazing Cat Fur:

Richard Warman Hates Freedom:



Saturday 8 December 2012

Who is Richard Warman? Female Impersonator, neo-Nazi, Government Lawyer

  • Complaints filed to CHRC: 26
  • Former employee and investigator at the Canadian Human Rights Commission
  • In December 2006, the Law Society shows he works for the Department of National Defence
  • Education: degree in Drama from Queens University
  • Member: Law Society of Upper Canada and EGALE Canada
  • Gave a Keynote speech to the Violent Anti-Racist Action
  • Warman is a frequent poster on "Neo-Nazi" Stormfront website
  • Warman is a frequent poster on "Neo-Nazi"  VNN website.
  • Pretends to be a woman named “Lucie” 
  • Has signed his posts with “88” (according to Warman means: Heil Hitler)
  • Has called Senator Anne Cools a "nigger" and a "c*nt" on the internet
  • Canadian Human Rights Tribunal have ruled that Warman's hate postings are “..both disappointing and disturbing” and Warman’s postings “…could have precipitated further hate messages in response.

The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal described Richard Warman as:
He [Warman] advised the Tribunal that he has spent 15 years campaigning against hate messages. About five years ago, he focused on the internet. Although he was not qualified as an expert, I allowed him to provide some background on the material that was entered into evidence.
Mr. Warman is a resident of Ottawa. He has developed an interest in human rights issues over the past 15 years, and is actively involved in anti-racism groups. For a time, he worked for the Commission. Most recently, he has focussed his attention on hate propaganda disseminated through the Internet, by monitoring the Internet activity of what he describes as extreme right-wing and neo-Nazi groups.
[64] Mr. Warman has, with the assistance of the Commission, instituted most of the s. 13 (1) complaints under the Act that have come before the Tribunal. He has been very successful in these cases and has garnered accolades for his work in this regard. The evidence in this case of his participation on Internet sites similar to the Northern Alliance site is both disappointing and disturbing. It diminishes his credibility. For this reason and because the activities of the Respondents have ceased for a lengthy period of time, I will not make any further Orders in this matter.
 Para 64:   Warman v. Northern Alliance  
[63] I do not see any acceptable reason for Mr. Warman to have participated on the Stormfront or Vanguard sites, since there appears to be ample easily obtained messages on these sites available without his involvement. Moreover, it is possible that his activity in this regard, could have precipitated further hate messages in response. His explanation for including other hate messages in his postings by mistake seems very weak to me.

Why should Richard Warman be the only citizen to have his own personal inquisition?
Who has availed themselves of the "human rights" protected by Section XIII? In its entire history, over half of all cases have been brought by a sole "complainant," one Richard Warman. Indeed, Mr. Warman has been a plaintiff on every single Section XIII case before the federal "human rights" star chamber since 2002 — and he's won every one. That would suggest that no man in any free society anywhere on the planet has been so comprehensively deprived of his human rights. Well, no. Mr. Warman doesn't have to demonstrate that he's been deprived of his human rights, only that it's "likely" (i.e. "highly un-") that someone somewhere will be deprived of some right sometime. Who is Richard Warman? What's his story? Well, he's a former employee of the Canadian Human Rights Commission: an investigator. Same as Shirlene McGovern. 
Isn't there something a little odd in a supposedly necessary Canadian federal "human rights" system used all but exclusively by one lone Canadian who served as a long-time employee of that system? Why should Richard Warman be the only citizen to have his own personal inquisition? You can hardly blame the Canadian Islamic Congress and the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada and no doubt the Supreme All- Powerful Islamic Executive Council of Swift Current, Sask., for now figuring they'd like a piece of the human rights action.

Warman and the Canadian Human Rights Commission
Richard Warman held various positions at the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Sometime in 2004 he was no longer employed with the Commission.
During his time at the commission, he was the investigator on the Saskatoon-Humboldt MP Jim Pankiw CHRC complaint. Media Reports on Warman acting as CHRC investigator (April 2004 timeframe)
To date, Richard Warman has filed 26 complaints against named respondents with his former employer - the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

Warman posting on "Neo-Nazi" Websites
Warman is a frequent poster on "Neo-Nazi" Stormfront website
Warman is a frequent poster on "Neo-Nazi"  VNN website.
Pretends to be a woman named “Lucie” or "Mary"
Has signed his posts with “88” (according to Warman means: Heil Hitler)
Has called Senator Anne Cools a "nigger" and a "c*nt"

Education / Member of Law Society
Richard Warman testified in the Warman v. Warman case:
"I have an honours Bachelor of Arts in drama. I have an LL.B., as well as an LL.M., and I am a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada."
Transcripts, Warman v Warman Page 38

Law Society of Upper Canada
In December 2006, the Law Society of Upper Canada lists Mr. Warman as working for the Department of National Defence:

Richard Warman is a member of EGALE
According the Homosexual oriented xtra! magazine on July 13, 2007: 
"Warman, an Egale Canada member and a federal civil servant..."
EGALE describes itself as "Egale Canada advances equality and justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-identified people, and their families, across Canada."

Alberta Human Rights Commission
In the Alberta Human Rights Information Service August 7, 2003, described Mr. Warman as:
Warman v. Kyburz

In this case, the complainant was a lawyer of Jewish heritage who filed a complaint against an individual who had a Web site that he claimed discriminated against persons of Jewish heritage.
After finding that the Web site would expose an identifiable group to hatred or contempt, the tribunal balanced that against the freedom of speech. The tribunal followed the precedent set by the Supreme Court of Canada in finding that the restriction of free speech was necessary to curtail hate propaganda.

Richard Warman speaking notes to his keynote speech to the violent Anti-Racist Action, Mr. Warman described his motivation to file complaints:
On July 6th, 2006, Richard Warman gave a keynote speech to the ARA in Toronto entitled “Maximum Disruption: Stopping Neo-Nazi’s by (Almost) any means necessary”
In the speech Mr. Warman says:
“I’ve come to the conclusion that I can be most effective by using what I like to describe as a ‘maximum disruption’ approach.  … If I think that they’ve violated the Canadian Human Rights Act, then I’ll look at all of the potential targets and file complaints against them starting on a ‘worst offender’ basis, although sometimes if I just find people to be particularly annoying this may move them up the list a bit
Warman continues:
“The ‘maximum disruption’ part comes in because wherever I think it will be most helpful, or even if I just feel it will be the most fun, I strongly believe in hitting the neo-nazis on as many of these fronts as possible either at the same time or one after the other. I say this because it keeps them off-balance and forces them to respond to things that focus their energies on defending themselves…”

Warman has been awarded close to $50,000 (tax-free) for his "hurt feelings"
Case #:
CHRT Ruling:
"Mr. Kyburz shall pay to Mr. Warman the sum of $15,000 as special compensation, pursuant to subsection 54(1)(b) of the Act;
section 14.1 violation:
ii) Mr. Kyburz shall pay to Mr. Warman the sum of $15,000 for Mr. Warman's pain and suffering;

Case #:
CHRT Ruling:
Alexan Kulbashian
$5,000 as special compensation pursuant to s. 54(1)(b) 

Case #:
CHRT Ruling:
Tomasz Winnicki
$500 for pain and suffering  AND
$5,000 special compensation, pursuant to s. 53(3) of the Act.

Case #:
CHRT Ruling:
Jessica Beaumont
$3,000 in special compensation, pursuant to s. 54(1)(b)

Total to Oct 27, 2007:  $48,500

Sites with information on Richard Warman

Richard Warman:

David Icke:

Ezra Levant:

AntiRacist Canada:


Richard Warman:

Marc Lemire v. CHRC:


Maximum Disruption:

Five Feet of Fury:

Documenting the "Maximum Disruption" Campaign of Richard WARMAN:

Blazing Cat Fur:

Richard Warman Hates Freedom: